The Diocese of Atlanta Vergers Chapter of the VGEC is a service organization supporting the ministry of the verger in the Diocese of Atlanta.
Chapter membership is $10.00 annually as of May 1, 2019.
You may join or renew your membership by clicking on the link below. You will be taken to the Diocese of Atlanta Donation Page to make your donation. Complete the required information blocks, scroll down to Diocese of ATL Vergers Chapter slot, and type in the amount of $10.00 membership dues or any other amount you wish to give. When you have completed this, click on Pay Now or Schedule Payment.
Diocese of Atlanta Vergers
Chapter Membership
The Vergers Guild of the Episcopal Church (VGEC) is a service organization that supports the ministry of vergers, sacristans, worship leaders, altar guild members, and more. Although the position may have many different names, we all identify with the historic name and work of the verger.
The VGEC Chapter in the Diocese of Atlanta is the Diocese of Atlanta Vergers Chapter formerly named and recognized as the Mark Emory Graham Chapter.
Vergers in the Diocese of Atlanta are encouraged to join the VGEC as well.
Vergers Guild of the Episcopal Church (VGEC)
Welcome to the Diocese of Atlanta Vergers Chapter!
Please use this form to submit Verger information for your parish to us or tell us about yourself and being a new Verger.
If you want to become a member, please do not forget to click above. You will become a voting member upon submitting your $10.00 membership dues.